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Use the documenting impacts template to maintain a record of any issues that impact your candidature to assist with monitoring your rate of progress and to support any future candidature changes. This template will help you keep a detailed record of any specific impacts, or delays, publishing phd thesis, to your candidature — such as those caused by events e. the COVID pandemic or a natural disaster or issues linked to your project e.
broken equipment or delays with data collection. The template allows both minor and serious impacts to research progress to be recorded, and contains a series of prompts to help you and your supervisor explore possible variations to your project so you can continue to progress your research while the impact continues.
We strongly encourage all candidates to regularly update and forward this information to your supervisor. Download documenting impacts template XLS, k. HDR milestone requirements and timeframes PDF, k. Under the Higher Degree Research Policy, candidates admitted to candidature are required to complete an early candidature milestone, publishing phd thesis. This procedure assists candidates to refine and plan their research project. The format for this milestone will be prescribed and administered by each Group, publishing phd thesis.
The early candidature milestone includes requirements to:. Candidates are advised to consult their principal supervisor on the requirements for completion of the early candidature milestone in their discipline. Requirements specific to each Group can be found at the following sites:. The milestone will be assessed as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A candidate may be required to enrol in courses and achieve a specified grade where a need for further research training is identified.
Under the Higher Degree Research Policy, candidates are admitted to candidature on a provisional basis subject to successful completion of the candidature confirmation procedure. This procedure assists the generation of quality research through the early detection of problems with the research program, publishing phd thesis. Both staff and candidates have defined roles and responsibilities throughout the confirmation process.
The requirements for completion of the confirmation of candidature milestone are detailed below. Candidates should be guided by their principal supervisor early in the candidature on any requirements for this milestone that are specific to the discipline of study. Note: The length publishing phd thesis the research paper is relative to the field of study. Candidates should seek advice from their principal supervisor in regards to length. Once complete, the research paper must be uploaded via the service request in PDF format, without document security, in one file.
Confirmation of Candidature Candidate Statement accessible via the link provided in the service requestoutlining:.
HDR Candidature Impact Record XLSXkwhere applicable. Fromsubmit a Professional Development Plan PDFk.
The planned PDP activities following confirmation should begin to focus on career related activities. For further information refer here. Candidates are required to present a confirmation seminar at which the candidate will speak to the research paper for approximately half an hour. Candidates should talk to issues raised in the paper rather than simply recite the paper itself.
This is an opportunity for the candidate to raise matters that may be troubling them in their research and ask for feedback on specific issues. Following this, up to half an hour will be allocated for questions from the assessing panel and general publishing phd thesis during which the candidate will conduct a 'defence' of the research paper as is the norm for a research colloquium.
Seminars are usually advertised within the host Element and Group, and on the GGRS website. The seminar will normally also be attended by a general or invited audience. Where a confidentiality agreement has been entered into by the candidate, the confirmation paper and seminar will be assessed in confidence. The research paper will be provided to the assessing panel via email from the principal supervisor.
The research paper may also be accessed via the online Confirmation Assessment Report service request one day prior to the seminar, publishing phd thesis. The assessors will attend the seminar, and provide a report on the paper and seminar. Each member of the assessing panel excluding the HDR convenor is required to complete their assessment publishing phd thesis return it to the Griffith Graduate Research School via the online Confirmation Assessment Report service request or via email to hdr-milestones griffith.
au if external to the University no more than one week after the research seminar has taken place. Candidates will be given a debrief by the assessing panel immediately following the seminar, where possible.
Supervisors should note that an independent assessor will not be permitted to subsequently act as an examiner for the submitted thesis.
Note: where the nominated independent assessor is external to the University, the Griffith Graduate Research School will provide the seminar assessment report to the external assessor prior to the seminar, however the principal supervisor will be responsible for providing the candidate's confirmation paper to the external assessor. A summary of research program milestone requirements and timeframes can also be downloaded below. A Masters candidate will not be permitted to upgrade to Doctoral candidature before completing the confirmation of candidature procedure.
Where a major change in the direction of the research has occurred prior to confirmation or in exceptional circumstances, on the recommendation publishing phd thesis the principal supervisor, approval may be sought from the Dean Research to extend the due date for presenting a confirmation seminar by up to six months full-time equivalent. Candidates must submit a request to extend their confirmation date describing the circumstances leading to the request.
The application will need the support of the principal supervisor and the Dean Research. If the request for variation in date is greater than six months full-time equivalent for doctoral candidates, or greater than three months full-time equivalent for research masters candidates, approval must be sought from the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School on the recommendation of the principal supervisor and Dean Research.
Where a period of leave of absence has occurred prior to confirmation, the due date for confirmation will be extended by an equivalent period. In the case of an unconfirmed candidate previously enrolled in a research program at another university, publishing phd thesis, the Dean Research will recommend to the Dean, GGRS upon admission to the program the due date for confirmation of candidature taking into account the amount of time consumed at the previous institution and the status of the previous research work.
Normally confirmation of publishing phd thesis will occur within six months of enrolment at Griffith University. The Chair of the assessing panel HDR convenor will facilitate provision of feedback to the candidate immediately following the seminar, where possible. The HDR convenor will also make a recommendation to the Dean Research regarding confirmation of candidature via the online Candidature Confirmation Approval service request, once all assessment reports have publishing phd thesis completed by the assessing panel publishing phd thesis. The Dean Research will then:.
The candidate will be advised whether their candidature has been confirmed or postponed by the GGRS, publishing phd thesis. A recommendation to postpone confirmation of candidature will include advice on what must occur before a final recommendation is made, publishing phd thesis, for example, what additional work is required of the candidate, whether another seminar must be given.
Where the Dean Research intends to recommend termination of candidature or a downgrade to a Masters Degree Researchthe Dean Research will notify the intention to the candidate and provide publishing phd thesis with the opportunity to respond. On receiving a recommendation from a Dean Research to terminate or downgrade a candidature, publishing phd thesis, the Dean GGRS will determine that either:. A candidate whose candidature has not been confirmed will be provided with reasons for the decision.
Panel: Prof Helen Wallace, Dr Shahla Hosseini-Bai, Dr Wiebke Kaemper, Dr Marta Gallart, Dr Eleanor Velasquez and Assoc Prof Susan Bengtson Nash. Panel: Dr Christian Engwerda, Dr Corey Smith, Assoc Prof Severine Navarro and Assoc Prof Tina Skinner-Adams. Under the Higher Degree Research Policy, candidates are required to complete the progress report milestone as a condition of continued candidature.
The progress reporting milestone is a major method of monitoring and supporting candidate progress toward a timely completion and an important formal means by which any problems concerning candidature can be identified. The progress review provides a structured opportunity for candidates and supervisors to:.
The documentation includes:. Additional requirements specific to the candidates Element or Group may be introduced, such as the attendance of publishing phd thesis HDR convenor at the progress reporting meeting. Candidates are advised to consult with their principal supervisor regarding the process for completion of the Progress Reporting Milestone, publishing phd thesis. There may be circumstances in which the candidate is not inclined to write comments in the progress report or wishes to discuss a matter confidentially.
In such cases, the following Griffith University staff may be approached for advice:. In years where another candidature milestone is completed i.
publishing phd thesis candidature milestone, confirmation of candidature, thesis and candidature review milestone completion of a progress report is not required. The principal supervisor will be responsible for recommending continuation of publishing phd thesis, continuation of candidature with specific conditions, or termination of candidature.
The progress report will be assessed by the Head of Element or delegate HDR convenor as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. In instances where the report is assessed as unsatisfactory, the report will be evaluated by the Dean Research who will:.
The Head of Element or delegate HDR convenor or Dean Research may require a candidate to:. Supervisors may also be required by the Head of Element or delegate HDR convenor or Dean Research to attend a meeting to discuss the report; or to provide additional written reports on progress.
Under the Higher Degree Research Policy, candidates commencing in an applicable research program from 1 Januaryare required to complete the Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone. Current candidates who were not yet confirmed in their candidature as at 1 January are also required to complete the TCRM in lieu of the Mid-Candidature Milestone.
Current candidates who were confirmed in their candidature prior to publishing phd thesis January are encouraged to complete the TCRM in lieu of the Mid-Candidature Publishing phd thesis. Candidates who wish to complete the TCRM in lieu of the Mid-Candidature Milestone are required to advise the Griffith Graduate Research School via email to hdr-milestones griffith.
au to enable their milestone record and milestone due date to be amended accordingly. The objective of the milestone is to provide a forum publishing phd thesis a formative review of the work completed towards the thesis. The milestone allows candidates to gather feedback that can be used to guide them towards the final research findings and to assure the quality of the thesis to be submitted for examination.
The milestone also provides an opportunity to:. The general requirements for completion of the milestone are detailed below. Candidates are also asked to refer to the links immediately below for additional requirements and guidance specific to their Academic Group, publishing phd thesis.
Candidates should also be guided by their principal supervisor on the specific requirements for this milestone. Candidates will attend a TCRM review seminar where they will present their thesis plan to the TCRM Review Panel. The documentation and seminar presentation requirements are detailed publishing phd thesis. This documentation includes:.
Additional documentation specific to the requirements of the candidate's Academic Group may also be required see links to Group-specific requirements for the TCRM set out in the section above. The TCRM seminar presentation will focus on the research outcomes and thesis plan and will include:. Seminar : Candidates will present at the seminar for approximately half an hour. Following this up to half an hour will be allocated for questions from the Review Panel and, where applicable, an invited audience.
Thesis and Candidature Review Panel: The seminar will be reviewed by the Thesis and Candidature Review Panel. The panel will consist of the HDR convenor Chairprincipal and associate supervisors, publishing phd thesis, and an independent assessor refer to the roles and responsibilities section below for assessor requirements.
The panel will provide feedback to the candidate immediately following the seminar.
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Benefit from specialist Economics expertise. Focusing on a small number of specialist courses, students form close working relationships with faculty. Gain access to leading international conferences and benefit from close monitoring and assistance through the all-important job market experience The GWC offers one-to-one consultations that are most useful to writers seeking ongoing support or consultations on shorter documents. Our sessions focus on principles of composition and strategies for enabling writers to independently improve their writing rather than “correcting” papers Feb 06, · 3/16/ Finals Week - Messing with their minds: 3/31/ Behold the Power of Procrastination: 4/3/ Prospective grad students: 4/5/ Posture Back Cracking
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