What is the difference between a Master's thesis and a research paper? Thesis: The Master's thesis should reveal that the candidate is able to work in a scholarly manner and is acquainted with major issues and published research on the subject of the thesis. It must make an original contribution to Oct 02, · Format & Components of a Master's Thesis Introduction. As the first section a reader encounters after moving through the table of contents and other anterior Review of the literature. This section allows learners to demonstrate their deep knowledge of Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins 5. Submission of the Graduate Research Degree Thesis 11 6. Examination of the Graduate Research Degree Thesis 11 Research Masters Thesis Examination 12 Doctor of Medicine (MD) Thesis Examination 13 PhD, DN, DM, DGov, DVMS, or DEdPsych Thesis Examination 13 Post-Examination Procedures 15 Thesis Revisions 17 Submission of
Choosing Between a Thesis & Non-Thesis Master's Degree
The Murdoch University Research Repository is an open access digital collection of research created by Murdoch University staff, researchers and postgraduate students.
Fitzgerald, Darryl Edward Masters by research thesis of an energy monitoring practice framework to profile energy use in residential buildings. Masters by Research thesis, Murdoch University. Kaur, Inderpreet Delivering a remote exercise program embedded with behaviour change theory to persons with multiple sclerosis MS : a randomised feasibility trial.
Astriani, Yuli Various approaches for masters by research thesis balancing in grid-connected and islanded microgrids. Basford, Steven C. Dowley, Alexie The effects of body decomposition fluid on clothing dyes in natural cotton fibres using hyperspectral imaging analysis.
Featch, Jennifer Alumni perspectives of elite education: Was it worth it? Fielder, Anne Cleaning up our acts: A socio-legal appraisal of Western Australia's need for additional criminal record employment discrimination legislation. Georgieff, André Sascha Facilitating critical pedagogy: Challenges and rewards. Hill, Braden Transformation at the cultural interface: Exploring the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students undertaking university studies.
Hughes, Alexandra Assessment of PECA reagent on the development of fingerprints on fabrics. Kabende, Elie Pre-treatment of tantalum and niobium ores from Democratic Republic of Congo DRC to remove uranium and thorium.
Landes, Jasmin K. Matthews, Aaron Richard Navigating two worlds: Indigenous Australian students' transitions into higher education. Pepper, Mia Care and maintenance a loophole or lifeline?
The policy and practice of mines in care and maintenance in Australia. Poh, Denise Blood banking in small animal medicine: a survey of current practices and assessment of a technique to prevent transfusion-related complications. Soo, Ding-Shun Jacky Influence of prior high intensity cycling at graded hypoxia on subsequent performance, neuromuscular and perceptual responses. Wake, Deven Francis The effect of a masters by research thesis exercise and education prehabilitation program in general surgery patients.
Appelgrein, Carla Kinematic and kinetic gait analysis of agility dogs entering the A-frame. Chan, Ai Wen The cultural suitability of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale EPDS examined through lived experiences of Aboriginal Australian mothers and masters by research thesis. Choden, Deki The role of Facebook in an masters by research thesis within an emerging democracy: A case study of the election in Bhutan.
Howie, Frederick Richard Perceptions of the applicability of the Self-Medication Hypothesis: An interpretivist study. Lee, Gerard A review of synthetic fentanyl metabolism and the metabolism of select synthetic fentanyl analogues. Newhouse, Mark The reintegration of violent offenders into the community. Nilsson, Benjamin Anders English teachers and the Asia Literacy Priority: Is it really a priority?
Nolton, Marnie Anne ORCID: A genealogy of monotheism: Of secrets, substitutes and supplements. Roberts, Ashleigh Industry, supervisor and graduate perceptions of industry engagement in the Australian PhD: What is the perceived value of industry engagement in the Australian PhD? Swinbank, John Michael ORCID: Girl with Lotus masters by research thesis M The ambiguous lineage of Vietnamese revolutionary visual communication. Titelius, Regina ORCID: Campaigns and other communications in the discourse of orphanage voluntourism in Bali.
Walker, Gabrielle Mary Exploring a designed liminality framework: Learning to create future-orientated knowledge. Whisson, Corey Integrated conservation approach for the Australian land snail genus Bothriembryon Pilsbry, Curation, taxonomy and palaeontology.
da Silva-Branco, Kristina Through the lens of teachers: Understanding the implementation of sustainability as a cross-curriculum priority in Western Australian schools. Booth, Nicholas DNA recovery from fired hollow point ammunition. Byrne, David ORCID: Endocrine testing for causes of laminitis in a group of Australian horses. Chng, Andrea Measurement of human teeth characteristics using Biteprint© software.
Sun, Emily The cultural capital of reading in masters by research thesis early 21st Century: A creative and critical study. Thinakaran, Ajantha Determining current judicial trends in defining parameters of privacy at the workplace in relation to social media use by employees - An Australian context.
Wilson, Keely Invasive blood pressure measurement in anaesthetised horses: a clinical and an experimental study, masters by research thesis. Zhai, Xiaoxuan Rethinking the relationship between high-performance work systems and firm performance: A meta-analysis.
Agland, Susan Can a stress management programme reduce stress and improve quality of life in people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis? Aris, Matthew The shared space: Staging masters by research thesis high school musical in a professional venue. Fogliani, masters by research thesis, Cory Unjust enrichment and employee overpayments in Western Australia.
Fong, Tracy Insect succession patterns on decomposing swine carcasses in Tasmania: A summer study, masters by research thesis. Juriansz, Nathan The enhancement of fingerprints on kitchen knives that have been through a wash cycle in the dishwasher. Keegan, Niall Splicing behaviour and exotic mutations in the DMD gene.
Liu, Siying The Use of Bioelectrochemical System BES to Upgrade Biogas into Biomethane under Thermophilic Conditions. Macleod, Joanna Affordable counterfeit fingerprints: Investigating the potential forensic applications of 3D printing.
Mukaromah, Laily HyMap airborne hyperspectral imagery and field-based ecological analysis for plant community assessment on Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Roth, Renette Perceptions of Students and Parents of Full-time Opportunity Classes for Gifted Students in a Western Australian Primary School, masters by research thesis.
Rutherford, Benjamin Novel psychoactive substances - Methods for identification, predictive modelling software and an experimental design. Sweet, masters by research thesis, Michael A measure of success: Examining prohibition in s USA. Tawhai, Cassina Immersive ° video for forensic education. Usman, Muhammad Multi-Criteria assessment of residential light bulbs available on the Australian market.
Vindevoghel, Thinza Qualitative behavioural assessment of Bos indicus cattle following surgical castration. Wijihastuti, R. Bourbour, Soheil Development of a Self-Healing strategy for future smart microgrids. Ditsele, Benjamin The epidemiology of Rabies in domestic ruminants in Botswana. Evans, Sarah The degradative effects of temperature, ultra violet radiation and sodium hypochlorite masters by research thesis the detection of blood at crime scenes using the ABACard® HemaTrace® kit.
Jones, Fiona Changes in rumen microbial ecology during dietary transition in cattle and sheep: a molecular and metabolic approach.
Mangan, S. Mannolini-Winwood, Sarai Urban fantasy: Theorising an emergent literary subgenre. Okamoto, Yohei ORCID: The raison d'être of tourism education. Petersen, Natacha Wirenfeldt Perceptions of public relations in Australian Aboriginal community-controlled non-profit organisations. Atkinson, Thomas The end of the line: Managing unplanned changes in an urban stormwater treatment wetland. Campbell, Kamahl An investigation of an infection with a protozoan parasite causing mortalities in Little Penguins Eudyptula minor on Penguin Island, Western Australia.
Chamkhi, Tarek Neo-Islamism after the Arab spring: Case study of the Tunisian Ennahda party. Hanf, Daniella Species Distribution Modelling of Western Pilbara Inshore Dolphins. Jones, Philip Engaging science pedagogies: What Year 10 students in a Western Australian independent school have to say about science learning. Kammann, Megan Homeschool regulation: Directive without direction. Mijangos Araujo, Jose Luis Characterisation the recolonisation of Antechinus flavipes following the restoration of a production landscape and its genetic implications in the Jarrah forest.
Millar-Figgins, Rosemary Classroom incidents and the critically reflective Pre-service teacher. Moate, Lisa Through the Shadowlands: Platonism in the works of C. Mountain, Helen Everyone is unique: Dealing with diversity in genetic counselling.
Murphy, Peter Pilbara iron ore agreements processing obligations and outcomes. Nas, Michael Classifying unmanned aircraft systems: Developing a legal framework for the purposes of airworthiness certification. Saefurahman, G. Sullivan, Louise A study of background lung lesions in a colony of specific pathogen free rats from weaning to 6-months of age. Wilson, Marguerita From A-Level to international baccalaureate diploma program: A qualitative study of curriculum change in a Hong Kong school.
Wood, Katrina "I didn't like it, masters by research thesis, I prefer Musicals": The lived experience of the drama teacher in the contemporary secondary suburban school. Banner, Tiffany Teaching students with special educational needs: Pre-service teachers' perceptions.
Brenton, John Individual differences in the use of visual-perception information to guide weight transfer and bat movements in elite cricket batting. Cocks, Robert J. Gardiner, Veronica ORCID: Multiliteracies book club: A participatory context for Australian public primary school teachers to negotiate literacy.
Lord, Samantha The enforcement of foreign and foreign-related arbitral awards in the People's Republic of China: A call for reform. Peacock, Rachel Intravenous lipid emulsion for the treatment of permethrin toxicosis in cats. Sampaio Costa, Renata Hypotension in healthy dogs undergoing elective desexing, masters by research thesis.
Truong, Hanh Quah Theresa Reconsidering career education in secondary schools: Counsellor and student perceptions of career counselling. Coventry, masters by research thesis, Jocelyn Review of aspects of breeding herd performance from beef cattle projects on the arid rangelands of the Alice Springs District.
Drynan, Eleanor Comparison of blood pressure measurements obtained using non-invasive and invasive techniques, in anaesthetised companion animals.
Kasat, Pilar Community arts and cultural development: A powerful tool for social transformation. Lovenfosse, masters by research thesis, Sylvia Untold stories of Wittenoom.
Martins, Susanne Intercultural communication and cultural intelligence in the workplace. McCarthy, Angela John An exegesis through art and text. Zhang, masters by research thesis, Jize Culture of Botryococcus Brauni. Masters by research thesis, Sunoh Studies on the epidemiology of classical swine fever in the republic of Korea. Dung, Nguyen Quang Hysterangium mats and associated bacteria under eucalyptus gomphocephala in south-western Australia.
Kirk, Andrew Arbitration: Choose your own adventure.
How to write a master's thesis
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Oct 01, · Brief description: The Victoria University of Wellington is offering the Wellington Master’s by Thesis Scholarship to students commencing full-time, research-focused Master’s degree at the University, to encourage postgraduate research at the University. The Scholar will be expected to work full time on the research that is required to complete the qualification (full time is at least 35 hours per Masters by Research thesis, Murdoch University. Jenkin, Brian Charles () An analysis of the political, economic and social changes brought about in West Malaysia by As a Masters by research candidate you will undertake a supervised research project that culminates in the submission of a thesis for examination which meets the following course learning outcomes: your competence in the design and conduct of a research project that incorporates methodological
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