The ancient Romans had an appreciation for hard work, practical thinking and discipline. Although they were sensible people, they had a desire for comfort and pleasure.. The Roman Empire included different people from all different cultures. They formed a society Sep 20, · Ancient Rome is the Roman Civilization founded in 8th Century BC in the ancient city of Rome. Ancient Rome succeeded the Western Roman Empire which fell in the 5th Century AD. Before it fell, the Western Roman Empire comprised of the Roman kingdom, the Roman Empire and the Roman republic. Ancient Rome simply refers to the great kingdom and the republic period which replaced the subsequent that Western Roman Nov 14, · Essay title: Ancient Rome In this report about ancient Rome I will be talking about a lot of different things. One thing is how ancient Rome was different from ancient Greek, their daily life activities and lifestyles, and also about their religion. The ancients Romans were very different from the ancient Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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The formation of ancient Roman society is romantic, so also its evolution. It consisted of several tribes and classes, essay on ancient rome. In due course of time, the Roman Society was divided into two classes Patrician and Plebian. The class struggle between the two determined the course of Roman society.
The Roman society took years to grow. Essay on ancient rome consisted of Aquians, Volscian Etruscans, Samnites, Lucanians, Umbrians, Brutians and Italians Greeks.
In B. As per the sayings of the people, after building Rome, essay on ancient rome, Remulus invited rich, poor, slave, robber and other varieties of people to live in that city. He brought the Sabian ladies by force and accomplished their marriage with the natives of Rome. Thus, the Romans were born from the combination of Sabians and Latinians.
As the first king of Rome, Remulus divided his subjects into two classes—the Patrician and Plebian. After hims seven kings ruled over Rome from B. to B. Among those kings, the last king Tarquinies Superbus framed cruel laws for his subjects who banished that king from Rome.
Right from that time began the historic age in Rome. After the end of monarchy began the republican experiment the Rome. This social division furthered essay on ancient rome process of democracy in Rome. The nobles of the Roman society were known as Patricians, essay on ancient rome. They were aristocrats and more landed property. The cultivation of these lands yielded more crops thereby making the Patricians rich. They constituted a small yet influential section of the Roman Society.
They were considered socially superior to the common mass. They were regarded as a vital aprt of the government. They could only be member of the Senate. The occupied the lucrative posts in the government. They only married among their own community. They did not keep matrimonial relation with the common people. The symbols of aristocracy were perfectly reflected in them. The Patricians infact occupied high position in the society. The common people of Rome were known as Plebs or Plebians, essay on ancient rome.
They were deprived of political liberty. They were essay on ancient rome and poor. They worked in the field of Patricians and produced bumper crops.
The Patricians became the owner of that crop and the Plebians had to lead a life of misery. They became poor and poorer in the society. They were grossly exploited by the Patricians. The Plebians became the most neglected and exploited class in the society. With the gradual march of time, the Plebians were exploited and oppressed by the Patricians. So, they decided to leave Rome and to take shelter in other parts of Italy. The Patricians took steps to disuade them from their decision.
This clean struggle between the two passed through three phases. The tyranny of the Patricians grew day by day. After the end of the Latin War they, instead of helping the Plebians, made their life miserable with the burden of loan. When they demanded more interest from the Plebians, the social life of the later dwindled away. They led a miserable life. They began their struggle against the Patricians to get their legitimacy.
They dreamt of building a new city there. Life of the Patricians came to a standstill after the departure of the Plebians from Rome. They promised to accept the demands of the Plebians and Persuaded them to return Home.
This was a golden opportunity for the Plebians, essay on ancient rome. They were freed from the bondage of loan. The Plebians who worked as slaves essay on ancient rome freed. They were given opportunity to assert their claim. They were also empowered to elect the Magistrate or Tribune. Thus, in the first phase of the class struggle, the Plebians got some essay on ancient rome their demands fulfilled.
The Patricians could not free themselves fully from the clutches of the Plebians although some of their demands had been fulfilled. So, they began their struggle against the Patricians to get equal social and political rights. By this time, the Patricians totally declined to accept the claims of the Plebians. Then again the Plebians left Rome and went upto the Sacred Mountain. The Patricians went there and persuaded the Plebians to return on the promise for further concession.
It paved the way for social equality in Roman society. In this phase, the patricians surrendered the remaining privileges to the Plebians. The two orders now felt themselves as one people. Of Course, this essay on ancient rome of the Plebian was not smooth. The moment they went to the Patricians for loan, the letter demanded heavy interest.
This brought greater dissatisfaction among the Essay on ancient rome who appointed a Tribune or Magistrate among themselves named Camillus. There after a Plebian essay on ancient rome Cextius was appointed as Consul. This made the Plebians powerful.
Already Tribunes were appointed to safeguard the interest essay on ancient rome the plebians from the tyranny of the Patricians. Now both Patricians and Plebians stood on equal footing in Roman society. The results of the class struggle in Rome were far reaching.
These results influenced the course of Roman history in later times. At first, the struggle between the Patrician and Plebian ended in the fusion of the two classes in Roman society. This was an auspicious sign for the future of Rome. Secondly, the unity between the two classes brought stability in the Roman society. This stability contributed a lot for the prosperity of Rome. Thirdly, the unity among the Patricians and Plebians led the expansion of Roman Empire in future.
Being united, they became victorious in the battle fields of Italy, Gaul and Sammite. Ruthelessly, they defeated the nomadics of Gaul and Italian Greeks.
These vocitroies paved the way for the growth of Roman Empire. At last, the class struggle ended with giving more confidence to the Plebians. They began to enjoy power, essay on ancient rome. The senate became more powerful due to the presence of the Plebians. Those were the results of the class struggle in Rome. The Roman society was largely an agricultural society. In due course of time, they paid attention towards trade and commerce. As Rome was situated only twelve miles away from the confluence of Tiber River, trade and commerce grew rapidly.
Coming in contact with Greeks, the Romans knew the use of weights, measures and coins. They also knew about the building of ships. By establishing trade and commercial relation with outside world, they became prosperous.
This economic prosperity galvanised the cultural activities of the Romans. Religion formed an integral part of the Roman society. There was not a special priestly class in the Roman society. From among the citizens of Rome, a few were choosen to perform the works of the priests. A essay on ancient rome persons appointed in the field of administration in Rome performed this work.
They were known as Pontif. The chief among them was known as Pontiffex Maximus. In one course of time, essay on ancient rome, the Roman kings used that title Even today, Pope, the head of Christianity bears this title. The Romans worshipped various powers of nature.
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Ancient Rome The gladiator’s world was a Roman world. According to tradition, Rome was founded on April 21, B.C. The legend says that Romulus and Remus were the twin sons of the war god, Mars. As infants, they were abandoned in a basket by the River Tiber Sep 20, · Ancient Rome is the Roman Civilization founded in 8th Century BC in the ancient city of Rome. Ancient Rome succeeded the Western Roman Empire which fell in the 5th Century AD. Before it fell, the Western Roman Empire comprised of the Roman kingdom, the Roman Empire and the Roman republic. Ancient Rome simply refers to the great kingdom and the republic period which replaced the subsequent that Western Roman Ancient Rome Essay The Civilization Of Ancient Rome, The City Of Rome. Rome, the capital of Italy, is a bustling cosmopolitan city with Humanities in Ancient Rome. Humanities in Ancient Rome T-TR Mathis Ancient Rome was a turning Ancient Rome Essay.
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