Feb 03, · A dissertation on mutual fund and investor’s behaviour 1. A DISSERTATION ONMUTUAL FUND AND INVESTOR’S BEHAVIOUR Submitted for partial fulfillment of award of Post Graduate 2. AbstractThe mutual fund industry is still in growth stage and retail investors have notreally warmed up to the idea 3 Submitted By:Syed Isabat HussainRizvi. Objectives of Research. To study and analyze various mutual fund scheme and consumers preferencetowards them. To identify the most preferred scheme and the reason behind it. To identify the factors that affect in selection process of various mutual fundschemes The rise in the level of capital market has manifested the importance of Mutual Funds as investment medium. Over the last five year period from Mar'03 to mar'08, the money invested by FIIs was Rs.2,09,cr into the stock market as compared to Rs,cr by Mutual Funds. FII's have been investing in Mutual Funds for the last five years/5(12)
Essays on Mutual Funds | Drexel LeBow
An investigation on the effectiveness of turnaround strategies. The case of Hwange Colliery Company Limited. I, the undersigned do or do not acknowledge that the above student has consulted me for supervision on his research project or dissertation until completion.
I therefore, do or do not advise the dissertation mutual funds to submit his work for assessment. Concentration, dedication, hard work and application are essential but not the only factor to achieve the desired goal.
Those must be supplemented by the guidance assistance and cooperation of experts to make it success. I am extremely grateful to my institute for providing me the opportunity to undertake this research project in the prestigious field. With profound pleasure, I extend my extreme sincere sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my faculty for extensive and valuable guidance that was always available to me ungrudgingly and instantly, which help me complete my project without difficulty, dissertation mutual funds.
I express my deep and sincere gratitude to Mr Avaneesh Jhumde, faculty member for providing me first hand knowledge about other related subjects. The rise in the level of capital market has manifested the importance Mutual Funds as investment medium. Mutual Funds are now are becoming a preferred investment destination for the investors as fund houses offer not only the expertise in managing funds but also a host of other services.
Funds in the diversified equity category which has the largest number of funds as well as the highest investor interest lost an average of Equity funds are estimated to have had net inflows of Rs. To lower the impact of volatility one can stay invested in diversified equity funds over a longer period of time through the route of Systematic Investment Plan. When it comes to investing, dissertation mutual funds, everyone has unique needs dissertation mutual funds on their own objectives and risk profile.
While many investment avenues such. exist, it is usually seen that equities typically outperform these investments, over a longer period of time. Hence we are of the opinion that, systematic investment in equity allows one to create substantial wealth. It has been for decades the monopoly of the state with UTI being the key player, with invested funds exceeding Rs. The state-owned insurance companies also hold a portfolio of stocks.
Presently, numerous mutual funds exist, including private and foreign companies. Banks - mainly state-owned too have established Mutual Funds MFs, dissertation mutual funds. Foreign participation in mutual funds and asset management companies is permitted on a case by case basis, dissertation mutual funds. A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, dissertation mutual funds, debentures and other securities.
The income earned through these investments and the capital dissertation mutual funds realized are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost.
The flow chart below describes broadly the working of a mutual fund:. PURPOSE Investment in mutual funds gives you exposure to equity and debt markets, dissertation mutual funds. These funds are marketed as a safe haven or as smart investment vehicles for novice investors. The middle-class Indian investor who plays hot tips for a quick buck at the bourses is the stuff of legends.
The middle-class Indian investor who runs out of luck and dissertation mutual funds not only his money but his peace of mind too is somewhat less famous by choice. Mutual funds, on the other hand, sell us middling miracles. Consequently proof enough for a research on Mutual Funds, which has exacting returns.
But since the market is very volatile and due to lack of expertise they may fail to do so. So a study of these mutual funds will help one to equip with unwarranted knowledge about the elements that help trade between risk and return thereby improving effectiveness. A meticulous study on the scalability at which the mutual funds operate along with diagnosis of the market conditions would endure managing the investment portfolio efficiently, dissertation mutual funds.
The study would also immunize on. SCOPE The project covers the financial instruments mobilizing in the Indian Capital market in particular the Mutual Funds. The mutual funds analysed for their performance are determined over a period of 5 years fluctuations and returns. The elements taken dissertation mutual funds consideration for choosing some of the top funds is on the basis of dissertation mutual funds respective sharpebeta, ratio.
The project shelves some of the top asset management companies operating in Indiasegregated on the basis of their performance over a period of time, dissertation mutual funds. Inaccessibility to dissertation mutual funds information and data relating to the project on account of it being confidential. Market volatility would affect individuals perception which would rather not be likely the way it is expressed, thus resulting in a very relative data.
Different measures will be adopted to understand and evaluate the risks and returns of funds efficiently and effectively. An extensive study of various articles and publications of SEBI, AMFI and government of India and other agencies with respect to the demographics of the population of the country and their investing pattern will be a part of the methodology adopted.
The project will be carried out mainly through two researches:. As of the end on 31 Januarydissertation mutual funds, the mutual fund industry had a debt and equity assets of Rs 5,50, crore, dissertation mutual funds.
Its equity corpus of Rs 2,20, lakh crore dissertation mutual funds for over 3 per cent of the total market capitalization of BSE, dissertation mutual funds, at Rs 58 lakh crore. Its holding in Indian companies ranges between 1 per cent and almost 29 per cent, making them an influential shareholder.
Together with banks, insurance dissertation mutual funds and FIIs- collectively called institutional investors- they. This high percentage of corporate ownership can be tracked back to tax reforms instituted in that lowered the tax rate on dividend and interest income from mutual funds, and made that rate lower than the corporate tax dissertation mutual funds on income from securities held directly by corporations. Although there is no official data regarding the type investor in each class, the typical pattern seems to be that individual investors primarily invest in equity funds, while corporate investors favor bond funds, particularly short-term money market products that provide a way for corp[orations to invest surplus cash.
HISTORY OF MUTUAL FUNDS: The mutual fund industry in India started in with the formation of Unit Trust of India, dissertation mutual funds, at the initiative of the Government of India and. The history of mutual funds in India can be broadly divided into four distinct phases. First Phase — Unit Trust of India UTI was established on by an Act of Parliament.
It was set up by the Reserve Bank of India and functioned under the Regulatory and administrative control of the Reserve Bank of India. In UTI was de-linked from the RBI and the Industrial Development Bank of India IDBI took over the regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI.
The first scheme launched by UTI was Unit Scheme At the end of UTI had Rs, dissertation mutual funds. Second Phase — Entry of Public Sector Funds marked the entry of non- UTI, public sector dissertation mutual funds funds set up by public sector banks and Life Insurance Corporation of India LIC and General Insurance Corporation of India GIC.
SBI Mutual Fund was the first non- UTI Mutual Fund established in June followed dissertation mutual funds Canbank Mutual Fund Dec 87Dissertation mutual funds National Bank Mutual Fund Aug 89Indian Bank Mutual Fund Nov 89Bank of India Jun 90dissertation mutual funds, Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund Oct LIC established its mutual fund in June while GIC had set up its mutual fund in December At the end ofthe mutual fund industry had assets under management of Rs, dissertation mutual funds.
Third Phase — Entry of Private Sector Funds With the entry of private sector funds ina new era started in the Indian mutual fund industry, giving the Indian investors a wider choice of fund families.
Also, dissertation mutual funds, was the year in which the first Mutual Fund Regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI were to be registered and governed.
The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer. The SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations were substituted by a more comprehensive and revised Mutual Fund Regulations in The industry now functions under the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations The number of mutual fund houses went on increasing, with many foreign mutual funds setting up funds in India and also the industry has witnessed several mergers and acquisitions.
As at the end of Januarythere were 33 mutual funds with total assets of Rs, dissertation mutual funds. The Unit Trust of India with Rs. Fourth Phase — since February In Februarydissertation mutual funds, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with assets under management of Rs. The Specified Undertaking of Unit Trust of India, functioning under an administrator and under the rules framed by Government of India and does not come under the purview of the Mutual Fund Regulations.
The fund industry has grown phenomenally over the past couple of years, and as on 31 Januaryit had a debt and equity assets of Rs 5,50, crore. Its equity corpus of Rs 2,20, lakh crore accounts for over 3 per cent of the total market capitalization of BSE, dissertation mutual funds. Together with banks, dissertation mutual funds, insurance companies and FIIs- collectively called institutional investors- they have the ability to ask company managements some dissertation mutual funds questions.
More significant than this stupendous growth has been the regulatory changes that the capital market watchdog, Securities and Exchange Board of India, introduced in the past two years. Outgoing Sebi Chairman M. In the process, mutual funds have become a tad cheaper, dissertation mutual funds. Untilfor instance, initial issue expenses on close-ended funds, which could be as high as 6 per cent of the amount raised, dissertation mutual funds, could be amortized over the tenure of the fund.
This basically meant that even if an investor put in Rs 1 lakh, effectively only Rs 94, got invested by the fund. The initial expenses of the fund include commissions paid to distributors and money spent on billboards for advertising the new offer.
Inthe regulator had scrapped the amortization benefit for open-ended schemes. Not surprisingly, asset management companies started launching closed-ended funds. Of the 34 new fund offers in24 were closed-ended. In January this year, SEBI said all closed- ended mutual fund schemes too will meet sales and marketing expenses from the entry load. This made it more transport for investors, because funds had to either hike their expense ratio management fee and operating charges as a percentage of assets under management or change higher entry load.
India has a burgeoning population of middle class now estimated around million. A typical Indian middle class family can pool liquid savings ranging from Rs. Investment of this money in Banks keeps the fund liquid and safe, but with the falling dissertation mutual funds of interest offered by Banks on Deposits, it is no longer attractive. At best a small part can be parked in bank deposits, but what are the other sources of remunerative investment possibilities open to the common man?
Mutual Fund is the ready answer, as direct PMS investment is out of the scope of these individuals. Viewed in this sense India is globally one of the best markets for Mutual Fund Business, so also for Insurance business.
This is the reason that foreign companies compete with one another in setting up insurance and mutual fund business shops in India. The sheer magnitude of the population of educated white-collar employees with raising incomes and a well-organized stock market at par dissertation mutual funds global standards, provide unlimited scope for development of financial services based on PMS like mutual fund and insurance.
The alternative to mutual fund is direct investment by the investor in equities and bonds or corporate deposits. All investments whether in shares, dissertation mutual funds, debentures or deposits involve risk: share value may go down depending upon the performance of the company, the industry, dissertation mutual funds, state of capital markets and the economy.
Introduction to Mutual Funds
, time: 5:58Dissertation On Mutual Fund | PDF | Investment Fund | Financial Risk
The rise in the level of capital market has manifested the importance of Mutual Funds as investment medium. Over the last five year period from Mar'03 to mar'08, the money invested by FIIs was Rs.2,09,cr into the stock market as compared to Rs,cr by Mutual Funds. FII's have been investing in Mutual Funds for the last five years/5(12) Submitted By:Syed Isabat HussainRizvi. Objectives of Research. To study and analyze various mutual fund scheme and consumers preferencetowards them. To identify the most preferred scheme and the reason behind it. To identify the factors that affect in selection process of various mutual fundschemes Dissertation On Mutual Funds policy, can protect you from unexpected requirements and improve the result of Dissertation On Mutual Funds the paperwork in an instant/10()
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