The Vikings wanted new land because the places where they came from in Scandinavia – Norway, Sweden and Denmark – weren’t very easy to live in. It was hard to grow crops, which meant there wasn’t a lot of food as the population got bigger. Britain and Europe had plenty of good farmland, so the Vikings tried to claim some of that land for themselves Christianity is the religion with the most followers in the world; almost a third of the world’s population are Christians. Like Jews and Muslims, Christians believe in just one God who created the world and all that is in it. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, a preacher and healer who lived in the Middle East more than years ago Question time! Who is the Mad Hatter? Which book is the Mad Hatter a character from? Who was the author? Which other characters from the book do you know?
The weight of the world
Like Jews and Muslims, Christians believe in just one God who created the world and all that is in it. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, a preacher and healer who lived in the Middle East more than years ago. Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God, creative writing homework ks2, sent down to earth to save people by dying on the cross and taking the punishment for their sins, creative writing homework ks2. At the age of creative writing homework ks2, Jesus travelled all over his country teaching others about God, encouraging people to love and respect each other.
He became known for healing sick people and performing miracles; perhaps the most famous was when he was said to have fed five thousand people with just five loaves and two fish! Jesus always attracted large crowds of people whenever he came to talk and he told many stories to teach people about God, but the religious leaders of the time did not like what he had to say.
Christians think that God can be seen in three ways, which is known as the Holy Trinity :. The Bible is the holy book of Christians. The Christian Bible contains the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament contains stories about Jesus written by people who met him or had heard of him. Sunday is a time when most Christians meet to worship Godwhether in a church, a hall or someone's house. A church can be big, small, old, new, creative writing homework ks2, plain or highly decorated.
You will find that the floor plan of many churches is in the shape of a cross. Christians believe that praying to God allows them to say sorry for the things they have done wrong and thank you for their blessings, to pray for other people for example, for healing and to pray for his help and strength for themselves.
Christians believe that God wants them to be like Jesus Christ and carry on the good work he did in the world. All Christians share common beliefs but there are different branches of Christianity, creative writing homework ks2. These include:. Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God. He was born to Jewish parents, creative writing homework ks2, Mary and Joseph, in Bethlehem in Roman-occupied Judea. This all happened over years ago. There is very little written about Jesus as a child, but at the age of 30 he travelled for three years teaching people about God and healing the sick.
Wherever Jesus went, people came to listen to him and to ask for his help. He seemed to have a special interest in the sick and the poor. Jesus chose 12 men to travel with him and be his special companions; they became knows as his disciples. Jesus went to Jerusalem with his disciples during the Jewish Passover festival. It was there that he was arrested and sentenced to death. This is known as blasphemy. Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples where he tried to warn them about what was going to happen to him.
This became known as The Last Supper. Jesus shared around bread and wine; the bread was to symbolise his body and the wine his blood.
Jesus was crucified, which meant he was nailed to a wooden cross and left to die. The cross is a very important Christian symbol: it reminds Christians of how and why Jesus died. Jesus was buried in a creative writing homework ks2 but three days later, the tomb was found empty.
This is known as the resurrectionwhich means Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus is believed to have appeared before his disciples before finally going up to heaven to be reunited with God. His journey into heaven is known as the ascension. Christians believe that Jesus sacrificed or gave creative writing homework ks2 his own life in order to save all those who followed and believed in him.
Christians believe that God is kind and loving and is always ready to forgive people for doing wrong as long as they are truly sorry and promise to follow God. It is the belief of many Christians that when they die, they will go to heaven to be with God and Jesus. The Eucharist is the main religious ritual in many churches.
The word means thanksgiving and during the service bread and wine are shared, just as they were in the Last Supper. People are welcomed into the Christian faith by a baptism ceremony, sometimes when they are a baby a time to promise God that the baby will be brought up as a Christian and sometimes when they are an adult and make the promises for themselves.
The two main Christian festivals are Easter and Christmas. Christmas is when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. Easter marks the death and resurrection of Jesus and is the most important Christian festival. Print free colouring pages themed around the Nativity and Easter or Bible scene colouring pages. Try creative writing homework ks2 Christian arts and crafts ideas and Bible activities for children.
Explore a traditional church in an interactive film and find out what some of the objects in it are. Friends and Heroes is a creative writing homework ks2 of animated children's Bible Stories which includes characters from the Old and New Testament. Watch a funny animated video, narrated by Peter the apostle, about the miracles he saw Jesus perform. Watch a creative writing homework ks2 in which a Christian explains his belief system to aliens, then answer quiz questions to show off your knowledge of Christianity.
Lots of information about Christianity can be found on this BBC page. The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and he lives in the Vatican in Rome, creative writing homework ks2. See where in the world most Christians live in this map of world religions.
Watch a series of BBC clips exploring the Christian faith through the eyes of young Christians. A guide to Christian festivals and dates in the year. Read an illustrated version of the Nativity story and the Easter story. Watch a video to find out why the Bible is such an important book for Christians.
The sacred stories of different religions are available on the British Library website: listen to the stories of The Lost Son and David and Goliath in the Christian Stories book. In a video for KS1 children, Charlie and her soft toy Blue find out out why Christians give to charity. See inside a Christian cathedral and an Anglican church. Find out more about how Christians celebrate marriagethe tradition of baptism and Christian funerals. Hymns are religious songs, a form of singing prayer.
The UK's top hymns are listed on the Songs of Praise website, where you can also watch clips of religious music being performed in churches and cathedrals, creative writing homework ks2. Find out more about some of the stories in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Saints are celebrated by Christians as virtuous and special people. Lots of saints are pictured in Western art; when the paintings were painted people would have known exactly which saint's life was being shown and a number of symbols help us understand saints in art today, too.
Learn more about identifying saints in artwork on the National Gallery website. Watch some KS1 religions studies animations from the BBC: the story of the First Christmasthe story of the Good Samaritan and the Lost Sheep and the story of Easter.
Mary's Lullaby is reconstruction of the Nativity. Cbeebies tells the Easter story. Advent - the period including four Sundays before Christmas. Easter - a Christian festival in March or April which celebrates the resurrection rising from the dead of Jesus.
Eucharist - the main religious ritual in many churches. Gospel - sections of the New Testament in the Bible, written by four of Jesus's disciples Matthew, Mark, creative writing homework ks2, Luke and John to spread the "good news" of Jesus's life. The word gospel means "good news".
Holy Trinity - the three ways in which Christians see God - God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Jerusalem - a city in modern-day Israel which is sacred to Christians, Jews and Muslims. Last Supper - a meal that Jesus ate with his 12 disciples on the day before he was crucified. Lent - a period of 40 days leading up to Easter when Christians spend more time in prayer and Bible study. Parables - the name given to the stories Jesus told his followers to teach them spiritual lessons.
Priest - the name given to the person who leads Christian services other names for the person who performs this role include vicar, minister and chaplain. The person who leads a cathedral and a region in the Christian church is called a bishop. The head of the Roman Catholic Church is the Pope. Other members of the Christian clergy are monks and nuns. Resurrection - Jesus's rising from the dead, creative writing homework ks2, remembered by Christians at Easter.
Cathedrals are the most important churches in a diocese the area a bishop looks after in the Christian church. Read about Britain's cathedrals and find cathedrals near you on an interactive map. See the Victoria and Albert Museum's collection of Christian objectsincluding metalwork, stained glass, textiles and visual art, online.
See the 10 oldest churches in Britain. Medieval Christian creative writing homework ks2 are beautifully decorated. You can turn the pages of the Lindisfarne Gospelswritten and decorated at the end of the 7th century, creative writing homework ks2, online. Need help? Open Contact us FAQs What our subscribers say How to videos Why join? People who follow Christianity are called Christians.
Christians have one Godwho they believe created the world in just six days and continues to watch over it. Christians believe that God is creative writing homework ks2 and sees and knows everything. Today there are about 2.
Simple tricks to Improve Creative Writing Skills - lesson one #LearnEnglish #WithMe
, time: 6:07Christianity | TheSchoolRun

Question time! Who is the Mad Hatter? Which book is the Mad Hatter a character from? Who was the author? Which other characters from the book do you know? From fronted adverbials to complex sentences, these resources are here to inform and test children's knowledge through a range of KS2 writing tasks, activities, powerpoints, worksheets and more. The spelling and grammar guides and the writer toolkits have easy-to-follow guidelines when writing sentences for KS2 pupils Christianity is the religion with the most followers in the world; almost a third of the world’s population are Christians. Like Jews and Muslims, Christians believe in just one God who created the world and all that is in it. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, a preacher and healer who lived in the Middle East more than years ago
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